Thursday 30 August 2012

Hello out there!
So this is the beginning of my new blog on which I will review books, write about updates on books to come, and blog about books in general.
As I read all sorts of books/genres - from fantasy and science fiction to chick lit and contemporary to classics and poetry - my reviews will embrace many different books.
Hope you'll like it - I know I'm gonna have great fun writing it!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere :) :) I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do :)

    PS. I suggest you to turn off the Captcha. It's in the settings of comments. You won't get any spam or anything (at least I haven't yet and others said they haven't either ;) ) It's easier to comment for others ;) just a suggestion, though :P

    1. Thank you :D I'm already having a lot of fun!

      And thanks for the advice!
