My thoughts
It's no secret that I love Huntley Fitzpatrck's first book, My Life Next Door. It's actually one of my all-time favorite books. So to say I was excited for another book from Fitzpatrick is to put it mildly.From the first reviews I read about the book, many noted that it was much different from MLND, and it was - and it wasn't. I'm not really going to compare the books that much, because they are not related in any way, so that would be pointless. But I would say that I loved Fitzpatrick's writing and her ability to create family dynamics, friendships and side charachters is amazing. And this was very much the case in WITWT too.
Gwen is quite a different character than in many other contemporary books, where the protagonist always seem to be this perfect hesitant, pure virginal girl. Gwen was certainly not, though she is still a "good girl", but she has just made some bad decisions in her life. But haven't we all? I really liked her personality, she was feisty, strong and flawed, and also very compassionate. Her love for her brother and family was so genuine, but it also gave her these huge responsibilities both now and in the future - and she took bore them without complaint. She wanted to take care of everyone.
Cass was so sweet, though I did at times question his character, especially before all is revealed. But all these little quirks about him, his sincerity towards Gwen's family and his charm soon won me over. Him and Gwen were so good together.
Family was very central and present in this book and I loved Gwen's family despite all their flaws. I think family is one of the things that Fitzpatrick does best - not that any other things is lacking - but she just seem to capture all the different family relations and potray them so they seem so real.
One of my few complaints about the book, was how long Gwen and Cass' past was withhold. It was just a bit too long, since both characters knew excatly what had happened, and we as the reader was the only one kept in the dark. But it wasn't too bad.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It's an excellent summer read, and a book I know I'll return to in the future.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆