Thursday 2 May 2013

Absence... and Bloglovin

I sorry for having been rather absent for... well, it's kind of been a long time now, and it'll be a while longer. I'm stuyding for my exams, and it takes up a LOT of my time, which means not really any time to write reviews and other stuff on the blog. I do get to read a bit, and I have a bunch of book I'd like to review and share with you!! I might write a bit here in May, but my exams are in the end of this month, so I'll probably go craaaazzzyyy soon o_O BUT I'll definitely be back in June, where I'll get to write about those wonderful books I've been reading.

I cannot write a blog post without mentioning books, and there is one series I HAVE to recommend, and that I think everybody should read, if you haven't already, and that series is:

Slammed by Colleen Hoover

These books (Slammed, Point of Retreat, This Girl) are absolutely amazing!! Really, I cannot recommend them enough.

Also, I've finally got on Bloglovin!! Yay! So I'd love if you would follow me there! And I'll of course follow back.

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Isn't it so hard to find time for blogging sometimes?
    I just added the bloglovin button to my blog too...and am trying to get followers! lets be bloglovin buddies! ;)

    1. Yeah, it definitely is! I'm looking forward to summer vacation where I'll have a lot more time to blog :)
      Sure! I'll follow you on bloglovin!

  2. Hi, I nominated you for a Liebster Adward - I really like your blog :-D
    Follow the link:

    (Sorry, didn't know where to put the comment :-P) And good luck with your exams :-)

    1. Thank you very much! I'm so happy that you like my blog, and honored that you nominated me! :)

      Thank you - and good luck to you too!
